Dr. Erik T. Bendiks Atlanta | Orthopedic Surgeon | Spine Treatment Atlanta

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Spinal Stenosis Relief–Reason For The Occurrence Of Spinal Stenosis

The spine, perhaps, is one of the most important and sensitive groups of the bone in human body, owing to the fact that it homes and protects the spinal cord which is extremely essential for living a normal life. Any kind of injury or damage which occurs to the spine can have serious repercussions. For example, back pain which extends from the lower back and neck down to the legs, tingling, numbness and weakness occurring in the lower extremities and even death. Spinal stenosis is one of the most serious problems with the spinal cord and the spine. There are different treatments available for Spinal Stenosis Relief.

Spinal stenosis refers to the condition in which narrowing of the spinal occurs resulting in the impingement of the spinal cord and the several nerve roots, bonny spurs from other soft tissues or fractures just like it happens in the case of herniated discs. Although spinal stenosis can happen in any part of the spine, the lower back or lumbar region is the most vulnerable to spinal stenosis that is also known as lumbar spinal stenosis.

Usually, there are several factors which can trigger this condition. However, degenerative arthritis is the most common reason for the occurrence of this condition. Just like other joints in the body, degenerative arthritis manifests with the natural process of ageing. This, turn, can cause of formation of bone spurs, loss of cartilage in the joints and occurrence of degenerative disc disease which is all about the overgrowth of the ligaments structures and deterioration of the spinal discs. Some other factors which trigger spinal stenosis are infections, several metabolic bone disorders and tumors.

Spine surgeon initiates the treatment with medication and therapies. It is only when a patient fails to show any signs of improvement that they recommend Spinal Stenosis Surgery in Atlanta. The results of this surgery are excellent as patients experience Spinal Stenosis Relief Atlanta after recovery.

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